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Welcome to Team Taniguchi!
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In this research group, circulation of plastics has been focused, and “environmentally-benign” polymeric materials have been explored and developed. In the 20th Century called “Plastics Age”, wide variety of polymers or plastics were developed, which brought great benefits to us. Those are now essential and requisite in our daily life. However, most of them have been disposed of by incineration including thermal recycling, which results in not only depletion of fossil resources and large energy consumption, but also huge CO2 emission leading to global warming and climate change. In addition, the end-of-life plastics cause plastic pollutions, such as “microplastics”. We have tackled effective solutions for those serious environmental issues from an aspect of polymer materials science.

​What's new

2024.1.19 Review articles: "Design and Function of Biodegradable Baroplastics" by Ikuo Taniguchi, Tsuyoshi Koga, and Shigeru Deguchi has been published in the Network Polymer Journal.

2024.1.19 Our laboratory's efforts on CO2 separation were covered in an interview by Gas Review Company.

2023.12.21 At the 'New Technology Presentation Meetings' organized by the Japan Science and Technology Agency (JST), Professor Ikuo Taniguchi's presentation has garnered top-level interest.

2023.12.15-16 At MRM2023/IUMRS-ICA2023,  Postdoctoral researcher Neha Sharma gave an oral presentation on the 16th, Hiroto Tada (D2) and Yuri Hioka (M2) presented posters on the 15th.

2023.12.12-15  At the 9th Asian Conference on Colloid and Interface Science,Dr. Shigeru Deguchi, Director of the Center for Marine Research and Development at the Institute of Life and Engineering, delivered an invited lecture as a collaborative researcher on 'Deep-Sea-Inspired Chemistry for On-Demand Polymer Degradation.'

2023.12.8 The collaborative research findings with Associate Professor Kaveh Edalati from Kyushu University, titled "High-Pressure Torsion: From Miniature Earthquake to the Origin of Life," have been published in the Key Engineering Materials journal (Vol. 968, pp. 167-173, 2023).

2023.12.5 Asahi Shimbun Digital Introduced a biodegradable plastic that can be molded at room temperature.

2023.11.28 At the 2023 Fall Research Presentation of the Textile Societ​y,Postdoctoral researcher Neha Sharma and second-year master's student (M2) Yuri Hioka gave oral presentations.

2023.11.27At the 2023 Fall Research Presentation of the Textile Society,Research Assistant Sakura Mitani gave an oral presentation, and Research Assistant Fanny Gladys presented a poster.

2023.11.25 Dr. Shigeru Deguchi, Director of the Center for Marine Research and Development at the Institute of Life and Engineering, delivered a presentation titled "Deep-Sea-Inspired Chemistry for On-Demand Polymer Degradation" at the 6th Glowing Polymer Symposium in Kanto, Japan.

2023.11.16 An article on pressure-responsive plasticity polymers, developed under the JST CREST program, has been published in the Nikkei Sangyo Shimbun.

2023.11.15-17 At ICSST23,  Professor Ikuo Taniguchi gave an oral presentation on the 16th, and Research Assistant Sakura Mitani presented a poster on the 17th.

2023.10.26  JST CREST's collaborative research has been featured in NIKKEI GX.

2023.10.23 We hosted an information session for the Bio-Based Materials Science program admissions.

2023.10.20 Professor Ikuo Taniguchi gave a presentation at the 23-2 Eco-Materials Research Symposium.

2023.10.2 The October issue of the Polymer Journal features an article on "CO2 Separation and Recovery Using Polymeric Membranes".

2023.10.2 A study on PET-degrading bacteria has been featured in "How plastic-eating bacteria could change the world'"published by The Guardian on September 28, 2023.

2023.9.26-28  72nd Polymer Symposium, Postdoctoral researcher Neha Sharma and second-year master's student (M2) Yuri Hioka gave oral presentations.

2023.9.14 Professor Ikuo Taniguchi gave a report at the JST New Technology Presentation Meetings.

2023.9.13  Research assistants Sakura Mitani and Tomoko Yamashita presented posters at the SCEJ 54th Autumn Meeting.

2023.7.21  Professor ​Ikuo Taniguchi gave a lecture at IPC2023.

2023.7.14  Professor Ikuo Taniguchi gave a keynote speech at ICOM2023(International Congress on Membranes and Membrane Processed).

2023.7.2-7 Co-researcher Associate Professor Edalati made a presentation at THERMEC2023..

2023.6.15 Professor Ikuo Taniguchi gave an award lecture at the award ceremony of the Society of Fiber Science and Technology 2022.

2023.6.14    Yuri Hioka (M2) will give an oral presentation at the Society of Fiber Science and Technology 2022.

2023.5.24-26  At the 72nd SPSJ Annual Meeting, Postdoctoral fellow Neha Sharma, D2 Hirohito Tada, and M2 Yuri Hioka gave oral presentations.

2023.5.19 Research on measures to mitigate global warming and plastic problems through sustainable cascading use of unused natural rubber seeds (Representative: Associate Professor Shinji Kanehashi, Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology) is part of the 2023 Science and Technology Research Partnership for Sustainable Development (SATREPS)  was adopted.

2023.5.1 "Approaching the development of biodegradable plastics that can be molded under pressure and at room temperature" was published in the Kagoshima Prefecture edition of the Yomiuri Shimbun on April 23.

2023.4.4    Professor Ikuo Taniguchi has been selected as the recipient of the 2022 Fiber Society Society Award.

[Award title] "Creation of low-temperature moldable fiber polymer materials using pressure-induced phase transition".

2023.3.28 Taniguchi Laboratory held an open lab at the 2023 Open Lab in the Department of Bio-Based Materials Science.

2023.3.23 Professor Ikuo Taniguchi gave an invited lecture at the Society of Fiber Science and Technology Kansai Branch Memorial Lecture.

2023.3.21 The Asahi Shimbun Yamaguchi version published an article on "Fishing line for SDGs"

2023.3.15-17 SCEJ 88th Annual Meeting, Postdoctoral researcher Neha Sharma and D1 Hirohito Tada gave an oral presentation, research assistants Sakura Mitani, Tomoko Yamashita, and Yuri Hioka (M1) made a poster presentation.

2023.3.13  Professor  Ikuo Taniguchi gave an invited talk at the Membrane Society of Japan.

2023.3.7 Professor Ikuo Taniguchi gave a lecture at Kyoto Institute of Technology Open Facility Center.

2023.3.3      A review article by Professor Ikuo Taniguchi was published in the Journal of the Adhesion Society of Japan (Vol. 59, No. 2).

2023.2.2     A review article by Professor Ikuo Taniguchi was published in the Journal of the Japan Solar Energy Society (Vol. 49, No. 1).

2023.1.17-20  Postdoctoral fellow Neha Sharma gave a presentation at The Global Young Scientists Summit.

2022.12.19    Yuri Hioka (M1) gave an oral presentation at the Society of Chemical Engineers, Japan Okayama Conference 2022.

2022.12.15  A paper published in Scientific Reports was introduced in Brazilian TV Show Jornal da Cultura.

2022.11.29  Yuri Hioka (M1) gave a poster presentation at the 12th Four University Collaborative Research Forum.

2022.11.25  The front line of CO2 separation and recovery technology, which was featured by Professor Ikuo Taniguchi, was published (Membrane Membrane vol. 47, No. 6).

2022.11.25   Nikkei XTEC Introduced a biodegradable plastic that can be molded at room temperature.

2022.11.15.  Professor Ikuo Taniguchi gave a seminar on the current status and potential of CO2 recovery, effective use, and storage technologies centered on CO2 separation membranes. (Science & Technology)

2022.11.12   Yahoo! News  introduced a biodegradable plastic that can be molded at room temperature.

2022.10.18   "A strategy to enhance recyclability of degradable block copolymers by introducing low-temperature formability” was accepted in Journal of Materials Chemistry A. Also, it became the cover.

2022.9.18    Professor Ikuo Taniguchi acted as a remote judge at"Q-1 ~ U-18 will change the future ★Research Presentation SHOW~” (ABC TV) .

2022.9.6     Neha Sharma gave an oral presentation at the 70th Symposium on Macromolecules.

2022.9.5     Professor Ikuo Taniguchi gave an invited talk at the 70th Symposium on Macromolecules.

2022.8.23   Professor Ikuo Taniguchi gave an invited talk at the 5th High Pressure Neutron Application Research Meeting.

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